CNN Anchor Spars with GOP Lawmaker on Louisiana Ten Commandments Bill

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar engaged in a heated exchange with Louisiana GOP Representative Mike Johnson on the controversial Ten Commandments monument bill. Johnson, a vocal supporter of the bill, defended its purpose, arguing it's meant to recognize the significance of the Ten Commandments in American history and culture. He emphasized the bill's intention to highlight the impact of the Ten Commandments on American law, asserting that it's not intended to be a religious statement. However, Keilar questioned the legality of the bill, citing past Supreme Court rulings against government-sponsored displays of religious symbols. She challenged Johnson's claims by referencing the separation of church and state, highlighting the potential for the monument to endorse a particular religion. Johnson, in response, argued that the Ten Commandments represent universal moral values shared by many faiths, aiming to deflect concerns about religious bias. The tension between their arguments highlighted the contentious nature of the bill, raising questions about the balance between religious freedom and the separation of church and state.


"The exchange between Keilar and Johnson on the Louisiana Ten Commandments monument bill underscores the ongoing debate surrounding the separation of church and state. Johnson, advocating for the bill, emphasizes its historical and cultural significance, while Keilar raises concerns about potential religious endorsements and legal challenges. The debate highlights the complexities involved in balancing religious freedom with constitutional principles."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

Ten Commandments


CNN anchor spars with GOP lawmaker on Louisiana Ten Commandments bill: ’Answer the question’ - CNN