Police Fire on Demonstrators Trying to Storm Kenya Parliament, Several Dead

Kenyan police fired live rounds on protesters attempting to storm parliament in Nairobi on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, resulting in multiple deaths. The violence erupted during a demonstration against the high cost of living and the government's proposed changes to the electoral commission. Protesters hurled stones and attempted to breach the parliament building while police responded with tear gas and live ammunition. The incident sparked condemnation from human rights groups and opposition politicians, who called for an independent investigation into the use of force. Witnesses described chaotic scenes, with protesters fleeing from the parliament building and the streets littered with debris. The government defended the police actions, claiming they were necessary to prevent the protesters from entering the parliament building and disrupting parliamentary proceedings. The incident highlights the growing frustration among Kenyans over the rising cost of living and the government's response to the economic crisis. The country has been grappling with rising inflation and unemployment, putting pressure on the government to address the economic challenges.


"The shooting incident is a stark reminder of the potential for violence when protests are met with excessive force by authorities. It also underscores the need for the government to address the economic concerns of its citizens and find peaceful solutions to political disagreements."

Updated at: 06.27.2024



Police fire on demonstrators trying to storm Kenya parliament, several dead - Reuters.com