
Chemicals in hair relaxers linked to serious health issues

A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found a link between the use of hair relaxers and an increased risk of uterine fibroids, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. The study followed over 33,000 African American women for 10 years, and found that those who used hair relaxers regularly were at higher risk for these conditions. The study also found that the risk of these health problems increased with the frequency of use and the earlier age of first use. The researchers point out that this is an observational study, so it cannot prove that hair relaxers cause these diseases. However, they say that the findings raise concern and warrant further investigation. Hair relaxers are widely used by Black women, often starting at a young age. The products contain chemicals that can alter the hair's texture and make it more manageable. However, these chemicals have also been linked to other health problems, including respiratory issues and skin irritation. The study's findings have prompted calls for more research into the potential health effects of hair relaxers. Some women may also choose to limit their use of these products or switch to alternative hair care methods. Dr. Angelique Campen, lead author of the study, states that “It is important to note that this study does not prove that hair relaxers cause these health problems.” She also states, “However, our findings suggest that women who use hair relaxers may be at increased risk for these health issues. More research is needed to understand the potential mechanisms involved.” The study’s findings have sparked a discussion about the safety of hair relaxers and the need for more research into the potential long-term health effects of these products.


"A new study has linked the use of hair relaxers to an increased risk of uterine fibroids, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. The study was observational, so it cannot prove causation, but it does raise concern and warrants further investigation. The findings have prompted calls for more research into the potential health effects of hair relaxers and may lead some women to reconsider their use of these products."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

hair relaxers
health risks

Chemicals in hair relaxers linked to serious health issues

Roughly 90% of Black women have used relaxers at some point in their lives to chemically straighten their hair. New reporting in The New York Times Magazine highlights the severe and often unknown health risks these products can pose. Linda Villarosa, contrib…