
Bugatti's New Hypercar: A Turbo-less, V16 Hybrid Beast

Bugatti has unveiled a new hypercar, ditching the traditional turbocharged engines for a naturally aspirated, screaming V16 paired with a hybrid system. This groundbreaking powertrain, dubbed the '16C', produces a staggering 1,600 horsepower and 1,600 Nm of torque. The 16C signifies a return to Bugatti's roots, emphasizing the raw, emotional experience of driving a high-performance vehicle. Unlike previous models like the Chiron and Bolide, which relied on turbocharged power, the 16C promises a more direct and visceral connection to the engine. This new engine design is expected to deliver a unique driving experience, offering a linear power delivery and a captivating, high-revving soundtrack. Bugatti's decision to go turbo-less is a bold one, potentially opening up new avenues for the brand to explore and innovate in the world of hypercars. While details about the car's production and availability remain undisclosed, the introduction of the 16C signifies a significant shift in Bugatti's approach to performance and driving experience.


"Bugatti's new hypercar, powered by a naturally aspirated V16 hybrid engine, marks a significant departure from its turbocharged predecessors. The 16C promises a raw, emotional driving experience with a screaming engine and a focus on direct power delivery. While details are limited, the introduction of this turbo-less powertrain signifies a potential shift in Bugatti's strategy and opens up new possibilities for innovation in the hypercar market."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

electric motors

Bugattiā€™s new hypercar loses the turbos for a screaming V16 hybrid

It features three electric motors, 1,800 horsepower, and watch-like instruments.