
Ecuador Suffers Major Power Outage After Transmission Line Failure

A massive power outage has impacted millions in Ecuador after a transmission line failure occurred on Thursday. The incident, which took place near the city of Cuenca, caused widespread blackouts across the country, affecting homes, businesses, and public services. The Ministry of Energy and Mines confirmed the transmission line failure, stating that it occurred in the area known as El Cajas, which is close to Cuenca. While the exact cause of the outage remains under investigation, initial reports suggest that the incident may have been triggered by a lightning strike. The outage disrupted power supply to a significant portion of the country, affecting multiple provinces and cities. Many residents were left without electricity for several hours, experiencing significant disruptions to daily life. The government has deployed emergency response teams to address the situation, working to restore power supply as quickly as possible. While some areas have had power restored, others continue to experience outages. Authorities are working diligently to identify and resolve the issue, aiming to bring the power grid back online and minimize the impact on the population.


"A major power outage affected millions in Ecuador after a transmission line failure near Cuenca. The cause of the failure is still under investigation but initial reports suggest lightning may have played a role. The outage disrupted power to many parts of the country, affecting homes, businesses, and public services. The government is working to restore power as quickly as possible."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

power outage
transmission line


Blackout affects millions in Ecuador after transmission line fails

A failure in an energy transmission line has produced a blackout throughout Ecuador, the government reported, days after announcing that there would be outages due to production problems.