
Biden Unveils Plan Allowing Hundreds of Thousands to Gain US Citizenship

President Joe Biden has announced a new plan to provide a pathway to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have been living in the United States without legal status. The plan, which is part of a larger effort to address the country's immigration system, would grant citizenship to undocumented immigrants who meet certain criteria, including having been in the US for at least five years, paying taxes, and passing background checks. The plan has been met with mixed reactions, with some praising Biden for taking action on a long-standing issue, while others have criticized it as being too lenient. The announcement comes as the Biden administration faces mounting pressure from both Democrats and Republicans to address the country's immigration crisis. Critics of the plan argue that it will incentivize more undocumented immigrants to come to the United States and that it will place a strain on the country's resources. Supporters of the plan, however, argue that it will provide a path to citizenship for deserving individuals and that it will strengthen the economy by allowing undocumented immigrants to work and contribute to society legally. The plan is expected to face significant opposition in Congress, where Republicans have been critical of Biden's immigration policies. It remains to be seen whether the plan will be able to gain enough support to be enacted.


"President Biden's plan to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants is a controversial one that is likely to face significant opposition in Congress. The plan has been met with mixed reactions, with some praising Biden for taking action on a long-standing issue, while others have criticized it as being too lenient. It remains to be seen whether the plan will be able to gain enough support to be enacted."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

undocumented immigrants


Biden unveils plan allowing hundreds of thousands to gain US citizenship

Advocates say US president’s effort to regularise some undocumented immigrants will help keep families together.