
Assistant Found Guilty of Dismembering Former Boss

A former assistant, Jarrod Bacon, has been found guilty of murdering his former boss, Timothy Mills, and dismembering his body with a saw. The incident occurred in June 2022, and Bacon had been accused of stealing money from Mills' business. According to the prosecution, Bacon killed Mills to prevent him from discovering the theft and used a saw to dismember the body to make it easier to dispose of. Bacon's defense argued that Mills had accidentally fallen and injured himself, and Bacon panicked and tried to cover it up by dismembering the body. However, the jury ultimately found Bacon guilty of murder and dismemberment, with the latter being a lesser charge that carries a lesser sentence.


"The verdict highlights the severity of Bacon's actions and the consequences of his alleged theft. The case emphasizes the dangers of covering up crimes and the importance of seeking legal assistance when faced with difficult situations."

Updated at: 06.26.2024



Assistant found guilty of dismembering former boss with a saw to keep him from discovering theft

A personal assistant in New York City has been found guilty of killing and dismembering his former boss after stealing an estimated $400,000 from him