Apple Rejected Meta's iPhone AI Partnership Proposal Months Ago

Apple declined a proposal from Meta to collaborate on integrating AI into the iPhone several months ago. The proposal, which aimed to bring Meta's AI technology to Apple's devices, was rejected by Apple, indicating their preference to develop their own AI solutions for the iPhone. This decision aligns with Apple's strategy to prioritize user privacy and control over its ecosystem. Apple is known for its focus on creating a seamless and integrated user experience, and partnering with external companies for core features like AI might compromise this goal. Instead, Apple is likely to continue investing in its own AI research and development, aiming to differentiate its products through proprietary technologies.


"Apple's decision to decline Meta's AI partnership proposal highlights their commitment to independent AI development and maintaining control over their ecosystem. While the partnership could have brought benefits, Apple prioritizes user privacy and a unified experience, suggesting they are confident in their ability to develop their own AI solutions for the iPhone."

Updated at: 06.26.2024


Apple Spurned Idea of iPhone AI Partnership With Meta Months Ago