
CBS News Weekender: June 21st Edition

This episode of CBS News Weekender features a variety of stories from around the world. It covers topics like the ongoing war in Ukraine, the recent mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The episode also features a segment on the upcoming midterm elections in the United States. The show starts with a report on the war in Ukraine, focusing on the ongoing fighting in the Donbas region. It also covers the humanitarian crisis caused by the war, including the displacement of millions of people. The segment then shifts to the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, where a gunman killed 10 people at a supermarket. The episode goes on to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the rise of new variants and the ongoing vaccination efforts. It also discusses the impact of the pandemic on the economy and on mental health. Finally, the episode features a segment on the upcoming midterm elections in the United States, looking at the key races and issues that are likely to be decided. The show also discusses the potential impact of the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic on the elections.


"This episode of CBS News Weekender provides a comprehensive overview of the major news stories from around the world. It covers a wide range of topics, from the war in Ukraine to the COVID-19 pandemic to the upcoming midterm elections. The show is informative and insightful, providing viewers with a balanced and comprehensive look at the current state of affairs."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

mass shooting
Supreme Court
domestic abusers


6/21: CBS News Weekender

Lana Zak reports on a mass shooting in Arkansas that left three people dead, the Supreme Court upholding a law that prohibits domestic abusers from owning guns, and why Americans are falling behind when it comes it comes to taking vacations.