
Washington Mom Speaks Out on Daughter Losing State Spot to Trans Runner: 'I could cry right now'

A Washington state mother is speaking out about her daughter's loss of a state track and field championship spot to a transgender runner, expressing frustration and disappointment. The mother, whose name is not mentioned in the article, shared her feelings on Fox News, stating, "I could cry right now." The article highlights the growing controversy surrounding transgender athletes participating in women's sports, with the mother arguing that the current situation is unfair to biological females. She believes her daughter, who placed second to the transgender runner, was denied a fair chance to compete. This incident reflects the ongoing debate about the inclusion of transgender athletes in women's sports, with arguments focusing on fairness, equality, and the potential impact on biological female athletes. The article does not provide the names of the athletes involved or the specific race in question. It primarily focuses on the mother's emotional response to the situation, emphasizing her feeling of injustice for her daughter.


"The article presents the perspective of a mother who feels her daughter was disadvantaged by the participation of a transgender athlete in a women's sports competition. It highlights the ongoing debate surrounding the inclusion of transgender athletes in women's sports, focusing on the potential impact on biological female athletes."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

transgender athlete
track and field
high school
gender identity


Washington mom speaks out on daughter losing state spot to trans runner: 'I could cry right now'

The Independent Women’s Forum spoke with a Washington mother whose daughter lost to Veronica Garcia, a transgender high school athlete, in track and field.