
Trump's campaign says Supreme Court’s decision striking down his admin's bump stock rule ‘should be respected'

The Trump campaign has released a statement saying that the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Trump administration's bump stock rule should be respected. The statement, which was released by Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh, says that the campaign "respects the Supreme Court's decision" and that "the rule of law must be upheld." The statement also says that the campaign believes that "the Second Amendment is a fundamental right that must be protected." The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Thursday to strike down the Trump administration's bump stock rule, which banned the sale and possession of bump stocks, devices that allow semi-automatic rifles to fire faster. The court ruled that the rule was an illegal overreach of the executive branch's power. The Trump campaign has not said whether it believes the bump stock rule was a good policy, but it has said that the Supreme Court's decision should be respected.


"The Trump campaign released a statement respecting the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Trump administration's bump stock rule. The campaign stated that the rule of law must be upheld and that the Second Amendment is a fundamental right that must be protected. The campaign did not express its opinion on the policy itself but focused on respecting the court's decision."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

bump stocks


Trump's campaign says Supreme Court’s decision striking down his admin's bump stock rule ‘should be respected'

The campaign for former President Donald Trump said the Supreme Court's decision to strike down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks should be 'respected.'