
Trump Lawyers Claim Mar-a-Lago Search Lacked Probable Cause, Prosecutors Counter with 'Conspiracy Theory' Label

Former President Donald Trump's legal team has asserted that the FBI's search of his Mar-a-Lago residence was conducted without the necessary probable cause. They argue that the warrant, issued by a federal magistrate judge, was based on faulty information and that the search was an unwarranted intrusion. This claim comes in response to the Justice Department's ongoing investigation into Trump's handling of classified documents after leaving office. The department has declined to comment on specific aspects of the investigation, maintaining that it will pursue the case in a 'fair and appropriate' manner. Prosecutors have dismissed Trump's lawyers' arguments as a 'conspiracy theory' and have reiterated their commitment to pursuing the investigation diligently. They emphasize that the search warrant was issued by a neutral judge based on a review of the evidence, suggesting that the legal basis for the search was sound. The ongoing investigation is expected to be complex, involving a detailed review of the documents in question, as well as potential interviews with witnesses. While Trump's legal team maintains their stance regarding the lack of probable cause, the Justice Department continues to press forward with the investigation, aiming to establish the facts of the case and determine whether any laws were broken.


"The search of Mar-a-Lago continues to be a point of contention between Trump's legal team and the Justice Department, with differing perspectives on the legal basis for the search and the nature of the ongoing investigation."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

probable cause
constitutional rights


Trump lawyers claim Mar-a-Lago search done without probable cause as prosecutors slam ‘conspiracy theory'

Attorneys for former President Trump argued that the search of his Mar-a-Lago property in August 2022 was without probable cause and a violation of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's constitutional rights, while federal prosecutors blasted thei…