
Think twice? Bar group tells members it’s OK to criticize, but don’t dare call Trump conviction 'partisan'

The American Bar Association (ABA) has told its members that it's acceptable to criticize the process of convicting Donald Trump, but they should avoid labeling the conviction as "partisan." The ABA's guidance comes in response to a letter from ABA President Reginald Lee, who wrote that the group should strive to remain neutral during the impeachment process and should avoid making any statements that could be perceived as supporting or opposing either party. Lee's letter sparked criticism from some ABA members who argued that the group should be more outspoken in its defense of the rule of law. The ABA's decision to advise against calling the conviction "partisan" is likely to further fuel the debate over the role of the bar in the current political climate. Some see the ABA's stance as a necessary attempt to maintain its neutrality, while others view it as a sign of the organization's unwillingness to speak out against political interference in the justice system.


"The ABA's guidance reflects the ongoing debate over the role of the bar in a politically charged environment. While some believe the ABA should remain neutral, others argue that the group should be more vocal in defending the rule of law."

Updated at: 06.17.2024

Connecticut Bar Association
Trump conviction


Think twice? Bar group tells members it’s OK to criticize, but don’t dare call Trump conviction 'partisan'

The Connecticut Bar Association is encouraging its members to speak out against public officials' criticism of the judicial system after former President Trump's recent convictions - and to perhaps think twice before offering their own opinions.