
Stores are more subdued in observing Pride Month. Some LGBTQ+ people see a silver lining in that

Many stores and brands are taking a more muted approach to celebrating Pride Month this year, a shift that some LGBTQ+ people see as a positive development. The article discusses how companies are facing backlash for their Pride Month marketing efforts, and the trend towards less overt displays of support. Some LGBTQ+ individuals believe that this change allows for a more authentic expression of support, moving away from performative allyship. The article points to the example of Target, which faced criticism for its Pride Month merchandise and subsequently saw its stock price decline. While some see this as a sign of progress, others are concerned about a potential rollback of LGBTQ+ rights. The article also mentions the broader context of growing cultural polarization and the increasing influence of conservative voices. The article concludes by highlighting the complexities of this issue and the diversity of opinions within the LGBTQ+ community. Some see the shift in corporate behavior as a positive sign of a growing awareness of the need for more genuine support, while others worry about a potential backlash against LGBTQ+ rights.


"The article concludes that the shift in corporate Pride Month celebrations is a complex issue with varying opinions within the LGBTQ+ community. Some see it as a sign of growing awareness and a move towards genuine support, while others fear a potential backlash against LGBTQ+ rights."

Updated at: 06.18.2024

Pride Month


Stores are more subdued in observing Pride Month. Some LGBTQ+ people see a silver lining in that

NEW YORK (AP) — With Pride Month in full gear, U.S. shoppers can find the usual merchandise many stores stock for the June celebration of LGBTQ+ culture and rights.