
Snopes Acknowledges Misinformation About Trump

The Fox News Opinion piece discusses how Snopes, a fact-checking website, has acknowledged that some of its reporting on Donald Trump was incorrect. The article focuses on the controversy surrounding a Snopes article claiming that Trump's inauguration crowd size was smaller than Barack Obama's. Snopes initially disputed this claim, but later admitted that the information was misleading due to poor photographic comparisons. The article also mentions other instances where Snopes's reporting on Trump was inaccurate, such as a claim about Trump's birthplace and his alleged involvement in a Russian “conspiracy.” The author argues that Snopes, along with the mainstream media and Democrats, has a history of spreading misinformation about Trump. This, the author claims, is part of a broader trend of biased and inaccurate reporting by the media against Trump and his supporters.


"The article concludes that Snopes, while aiming to debunk false information, has itself been guilty of spreading misinformation. It criticizes Snopes for its biased reporting and alleges that it is part of a wider trend of biased media reporting against Trump and his supporters."

Updated at: 06.26.2024



Snopes finally admits media, Democrats were wrong about Trump

The pro-Biden media have lectured incessantly that Trump should be "fact-checked in real time." Meanwhile, the "independent fact-checkers" are hailed as saviors of democracy.