
Trump Campaign Accuses Biden of Lying After Snopes Debunks Charlottesville Hoax Claim

The Trump campaign has accused Joe Biden of lying after the fact-checking website Snopes debunked a claim made by Biden that President Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. The claim stems from a statement made by Biden during a debate, in which he asserted that Trump said there were "very fine people on both sides" of the conflict, a statement that Trump has repeatedly denied. Snopes, after examining the president's statements, concluded that Trump did not endorse white supremacists and that he had condemned the violence in Charlottesville. The Trump campaign, in response to Snopes' findings, stated that Biden's claim was "a flat-out lie" and that Biden was "trying to rewrite history." The campaign also pointed to a statement from Trump in which he explicitly condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis. The incident highlights the ongoing debate over the president's rhetoric and his alleged ties to white supremacists. The Trump campaign has maintained that the president has always condemned white supremacy and that he is a strong supporter of law enforcement and public safety. The incident also underscores the role of fact-checking websites in the current political climate. Snopes, which has been criticized by some for its perceived bias, has been increasingly relied upon by individuals and news organizations to verify claims made by politicians and other public figures. It remains to be seen how this latest incident will impact the 2020 presidential election. However, it is clear that the issue of race and the president's rhetoric will continue to be a major talking point throughout the campaign.


"The Trump campaign accuses Joe Biden of lying about President Trump's response to the 2017 Charlottesville protests, citing Snopes' debunking of the claim. The incident highlights ongoing debates about Trump's rhetoric and ties to white supremacists, as well as the role of fact-checking websites in the current political landscape."

Updated at: 06.25.2024



Snopes' debunking of Charlottesville hoax shows Biden lied, says Trump campaign

The Trump campaign says a recent Snopes fact check debunking claims President Trump said neo-Nazis are "very fine people" shows President Biden promoted a "lie."