
Republicans Block Bill to Outlaw Bump Stocks for Rifles After Supreme Court Lifts Trump-Era Ban

The House of Representatives voted to block a bill that would have outlawed bump stocks for rifles, following a Supreme Court ruling that overturned a Trump-era ban on the devices. The vote fell along party lines, with all Republicans voting against the bill and all Democrats voting in favor. The bill would have outlawed bump stocks, which allow semi-automatic firearms to fire at a rate similar to fully automatic weapons. The Trump administration banned bump stocks in 2018, but the Supreme Court overturned that ban in June 2023, ruling that the ban violated the Second Amendment. House Democrats had argued that the ban was necessary to prevent mass shootings, but Republicans argued that the Supreme Court's ruling should be respected. The vote on the bill was largely symbolic, as it was unlikely to pass the Senate, where Republicans hold a majority.


"The House of Representatives voted to block a bill that would have outlawed bump stocks for rifles, after the Supreme Court overturned a Trump-era ban on the devices. The vote fell along party lines, with Republicans opposing the bill and Democrats supporting it. This vote highlights the ongoing political divide over gun control legislation in the United States."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

bump stocks
gun control
Supreme Court


Republicans block bill to outlaw bump stocks for rifles after Supreme Court lifts Trump-era ban

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republicans blocked bipartisan legislation Tuesday that would have outlawed bump stocks after the Supreme Court struck down a ban on the rapid-fire gun accessory used in the deadliest shooting in modern U.S.