
New York's Top Court Declines to Hear Trump's Appeal of Hush Money Gag Order

New York's highest court has refused to hear former President Donald Trump's appeal of a gag order imposed in the hush money case against him. The order, issued by a lower court judge, limits what Trump and his lawyers can say publicly about the case. Trump's lawyers had argued that the gag order violated his First Amendment rights and was overly broad. However, the Court of Appeals declined to hear the case, leaving the gag order in place. This decision means that the judge's gag order remains in effect, preventing Trump from publicly discussing the case with his lawyers. The hush money case alleges that Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid adult film actress Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep silent about an alleged affair with Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. Trump has denied the affair and claims that the payment was made to protect his family from a false accusation. The Manhattan District Attorney's office is investigating whether Trump violated campaign finance laws by making the payment. The case is still ongoing, and it remains to be seen what impact the gag order will have on the proceedings.


"The New York Court of Appeals' decision to not hear Trump's appeal of the gag order keeps the restrictions in place, limiting what Trump and his lawyers can say publicly about the hush money case. This decision will likely impact the case's future trajectory as it continues to unfold."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

Donald Trump
hush money case
gag order


New York's top court declines to hear Trump's appeal of the gag order in his hush money case

NEW YORK (AP) — New York’s top court on Tuesday declined to hear Donald Trump’s gag order appeal in his hush money case, leaving the restrictions in place following his felony conviction last month.