
Jodie Foster Explains Her aversion to Theatre

Jodie Foster, renowned for her roles in films like "Taxi Driver" and "Silence of the Lambs," has revealed her aversion to the world of theatre, attributing it to her early experiences. During a conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, Foster shared insights into her career, revealing that she feels more at home in front of a camera than on a stage. She explained that she started acting at a young age, appearing in television shows like "The Little Colonel" and "Mayberry R.F.D.", which led to her iconic role in "Taxi Driver" at the tender age of 12. The intensity of her experience on set, alongside Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese, was overwhelming for her. The constant scrutiny and pressure of filming, even with a skilled and experienced crew, left her feeling vulnerable and exposed. She found the repetitive nature of theatre performances, where the script remains unchanged and the audience is present for every repetition, unsettling. In contrast, film allows for multiple takes and editing, offering actors a sense of control and safety. Foster's preference for the controlled environment of film sets is deeply rooted in her early experiences, shaping her perception of the acting world. She finds the world of theatre, with its inherent unpredictability and constant exposure, too demanding and emotionally taxing, preferring the controlled environment and creative possibilities offered by filmmaking.


"Jodie Foster's aversion to theatre stems from her early experiences with intense filming environments and the perceived vulnerability and exposure that theatre offers. She prefers the controlled environment of filmmaking, where editing and multiple takes allow for a greater sense of control and safety."

Updated at: 06.25.2024

Jodie Foster

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