
House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft

The House of Representatives has passed a defense bill that includes a provision automatically registering men aged 18-26 for the draft. This measure, which is part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), has been met with some opposition, but ultimately passed with a vote of 329-78. The provision aims to update the Selective Service System, which was last revised in 1980. However, critics argue that the provision is outdated and discriminatory, as it only applies to men and not women. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for the provision to be used for purposes beyond national security, such as tracking individuals for potential recruitment or surveillance. Proponents of the provision argue that it is necessary to ensure a fair and equitable draft system in the event of a national emergency. They also maintain that the provision is not discriminatory, as women are currently eligible for military service and may therefore be required to register for the draft in the future. The NDAA now heads to the Senate for consideration.


"The House of Representatives has passed a defense bill that includes a provision automatically registering men aged 18-26 for the draft. This measure has been met with mixed reactions, with some supporting it as a necessary update to the Selective Service System and others criticizing it as outdated and discriminatory. The NDAA now moves to the Senate for further debate and potential approval."

Updated at: 06.16.2024

defense bill
draft registration


House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft

The House of Representatives passed their annual defense policy bill with a provision to automatically enroll draft-eligible males in the selective service.