
Trump's VP Shortlist: A Look at the Contenders and Their Chances

The article examines the potential candidates for Donald Trump's running mate in the 2016 presidential election. The candidates are categorized by their strengths and weaknesses, and the author offers insight into why each individual might be chosen or excluded. **New Jersey Governor Chris Christie:** Christie's strong leadership and experience in government are highlighted as assets, but his involvement in the Bridgegate scandal and his close association with Trump's controversial style could be downsides. **Ohio Governor John Kasich:** Kasich is lauded for his experience as a governor and his ability to appeal to moderate voters. However, his recent criticism of Trump's campaign rhetoric could be a hindrance. **Indiana Governor Mike Pence:** Pence is praised for his conservative credentials and his ability to unite the Republican Party. His lack of national recognition and his perceived weakness in foreign policy are potential drawbacks. **Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa:** Ernst is highlighted for her military experience and her appeal to rural voters. Her relative inexperience on the national stage might be a concern. **Senator Marco Rubio of Florida:** Rubio's strong base of support among Hispanic voters and his appeal to younger demographics are mentioned as strengths. However, his previous criticism of Trump and his struggles during the Republican primaries could be detriments. **Newt Gingrich:** Gingrich is described as a seasoned politician with a strong understanding of policy. His lack of recent electoral success and his perceived association with Trump's controversial style could be problematic. **Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan:** Ryan is praised for his fiscal conservatism and his ability to connect with voters on a personal level. However, his decision to endorse Trump after initially refusing to do so might be viewed as a sign of weakness. **Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin:** Walker's experience in government and his record of conservative reforms are mentioned as assets. His lack of charisma and his struggles to connect with voters in the national spotlight could be drawbacks. **Senator Ted Cruz of Texas:** Cruz's strong conservative credentials and his ability to mobilize the Republican base are highlighted. His divisive nature and his recent clashes with Trump could be disadvantages. **Former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida:** Bush's experience in government and his family's political legacy are mentioned as strengths. However, his lack of enthusiasm for Trump and his own struggles during the Republican primaries could be hurdles. The author concludes by suggesting that Trump's final choice will likely be driven by factors such as political expediency and personal chemistry, rather than simply qualifications or experience.


"Ultimately, the selection of Trump's running mate will be based on a combination of political strategy, personal chemistry, and the candidate's ability to enhance Trump's chances of winning the election. The author emphasizes that qualifications and experience alone may not be the deciding factors in this decision."

Updated at: 06.25.2024

Vice President
Republican National Convention


Here's a look at Trump's VP shortlist and why each contender may get picked or fall short

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump has narrowed his vice presidential shortlist to a handful of contenders as he prepares to announce his pick in the days before — or perhaps even at — next month’s Republican National Convention.