
Haitian Leaders Oust Police Chief, Appoint New One Amid Gang Violence

Haitian authorities have dismissed the country's police chief and appointed a new one in an effort to address the escalating gang violence that has gripped the nation. This decision comes as Haiti continues to grapple with a devastating security crisis, with armed gangs controlling large portions of the capital, Port-au-Prince, and spreading their influence to other regions. The dismissal of the previous police chief, Frantz Elbé, was announced by the country's prime minister, Ariel Henry, on Tuesday, July 11, 2023. Henry attributed Elbé's removal to the escalating violence and the need for a new strategy to combat it. The appointment of the new police chief, Léon Charles, who previously served as the head of the Port-au-Prince police department, is seen as an attempt to restore public trust and security. However, the challenges facing the new chief are immense, as gangs continue to operate with impunity, engaging in rampant kidnappings, killings, and extortion. In recent weeks, several police officers have been killed in clashes with gangs, highlighting the danger and the lack of control facing law enforcement. The current security crisis has exacerbated Haiti's already dire humanitarian situation, with many residents facing shortages of food, water, and basic necessities. The international community has called for urgent action to address the crisis, but political instability and the lack of a functioning government have hindered efforts to restore peace and stability. The dismissal of the police chief and the appointment of a new one are seen as a significant step towards addressing the crisis, but it remains to be seen whether the new leadership will be able to effectively combat the escalating gang violence.


"The dismissal of the police chief and the appointment of a new one are seen as a significant step towards addressing the crisis in Haiti, but it remains to be seen whether the new leadership will be able to effectively combat the escalating gang violence. The challenges facing the new chief are immense, as gangs continue to operate with impunity, engaging in rampant kidnappings, killings, and extortion. The security crisis has also exacerbated Haiti's already dire humanitarian situation, with many residents facing shortages of food, water, and basic necessities. The international community has called for urgent action to address the crisis, but political instability and the lack of a functioning government have hindered efforts to restore peace and stability."

Updated at: 06.17.2024

gang violence


Haitian leaders oust police chief and appoint a new one as gang violence claims officers’ lives

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haitian leaders have ousted Frantz Elbé, the beleaguered director of Haiti’s National Police, following months of criticism that he wasn’t doing enough to protect officers under assault by gangs.