
Former Obama Fundraiser Switches Sides, Voting for Trump

A former Obama fundraiser, Laurie Masi, has announced she is leaving the Democratic Party and voting for Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Masi, a self-described 'lifelong Democrat,' explains her decision as a result of her dissatisfaction with the current direction of the Democratic Party. She believes the party has become too extreme and has moved away from the values she holds dear. Masi specifically cites her concerns about issues like the economy, education, and law enforcement. While she acknowledges that Trump has his flaws, she ultimately feels he offers a better alternative to the current political landscape. Masi's decision highlights a growing trend of voters, particularly those who identify as independents, disillusioned with both major political parties and seeking change. Her story serves as an example of how political allegiances can shift as individuals reevaluate their priorities and beliefs.


"Laurie Masi's decision to switch parties and vote for Trump signifies a potential shift in voter sentiment, reflecting a growing disillusionment with the Democratic Party and a search for a new direction in politics. While her story offers a glimpse into the complexities of modern political landscapes, it also underscores the importance of individual values and beliefs in influencing electoral choices."

Updated at: 06.24.2024

Obama fundraiser
Democratic Party


Former Obama fundraiser says she's divorcing the Democratic Party, voting for Trump for the first time

Former Obama fundraiser Allison Huynh discusses her "divorce" from the Democratic Party and why she has decided to part ways with her million-dollar Obama "Hope" poster.