
Treasure Hunters Unearth 300-Year-Old Shipwrecks in Florida

A group of treasure hunters in Florida stumbled upon a remarkable discovery: the remains of two shipwrecks dating back to the 1700s. The find, located near the coast of Vero Beach, has left experts and enthusiasts in awe. The wrecks, believed to be Spanish galleons, are estimated to be around 300 years old. The discovery was made during a routine search for sunken treasure. While exploring the seabed with their equipment, the team came across a series of anomalies that piqued their interest. Further investigation revealed the presence of wooden beams, anchors, and other artifacts consistent with a shipwreck. The treasure hunters were initially skeptical about their find, as they had never encountered anything of this magnitude before. However, experts from the Florida Department of State and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed the authenticity of the wrecks. The discovery has generated excitement among maritime historians and archaeologists, as it offers a glimpse into a crucial period in Florida's history. The team is currently working alongside authorities to document and preserve the shipwrecks. The discovery highlights the rich maritime heritage of the state and the potential for further discoveries in the future.


"The discovery of two 300-year-old shipwrecks off the coast of Vero Beach, Florida, has astonished treasure hunters and experts alike. The wrecks, believed to be Spanish galleons, offer a unique glimpse into a significant period in Florida's maritime history. The team is working closely with authorities to document and preserve the shipwrecks for future study and appreciation."

Updated at: 06.24.2024

treasure hunters
1715 Treasure Fleet
Spanish ships


Florida treasure hunters amazed by discovery in 300-year-old shipwrecks: 'You don't expect that'

A group of treasure hunters from Florida made a rare find that they brought up from the 1715 Treasure Fleet, Spanish ships that sank off the coast hundreds of years ago.