
Condoleezza Rice Defends School Choice, Calls It a Racial Issue

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, speaking at a recent event for the American Enterprise Institute, defended school choice, asserting it is a racial issue and a question of equity. Rice, a staunch advocate for school choice, challenged the opposition to the concept, stating, 'It really shouldn't be a partisan issue; it really shouldn't be a racial issue. It should be an issue of are you for school choice or not?' Rice argued that school choice empowers parents to make decisions for their children's education, particularly for those in disadvantaged communities where traditional public schools often fall short. She highlighted the success of school choice programs in cities like Milwaukee and Cleveland, emphasizing the positive impact on minority students. Rice's stance resonates with the growing movement for educational freedom, which advocates for expanded options for students, including charter schools, private school vouchers, and homeschooling.


"Condoleezza Rice's argument for school choice centers on the idea of empowering parents and providing greater educational opportunities, particularly for minority students. She calls on individuals to focus on the benefits of school choice rather than viewing it through partisan or racial lenses."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

Condoleezza Rice
school choice
minority students


Condoleezza Rice defends school choice, argues that it is a race issue: 'Are you for school choice or not?'

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice argued in favor of school choice, saying the U.S. has universal school choice that negatively impacts minority and low-income students.