
Colbert Skewers Schumer's Father's Day Grilling Gaffe

Stephen Colbert, host of 'The Late Show,' took aim at Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's recent Father's Day grilling blunder. Schumer had made light of his grilling skills, claiming that 'you might die if you eat one of my burgers.' Colbert found humor in this self-deprecating statement, referencing Schumer's political career and his role in the Senate. He joked about Schumer's tendency to 'burn' legislation in the same way he burns burgers, highlighting Schumer's perceived failings in negotiating political compromises. Colbert's remarks were delivered in a lighthearted manner, poking fun at Schumer's grilling skills and his political maneuvering, but ultimately highlighting the comedic potential of the situation.


"Colbert's commentary on Schumer's grilling gaffe served as a humorous critique of Schumer's political performance, drawing parallels between his grilling skills and his legislative tactics. The segment provided entertainment while offering a lighthearted perspective on political dynamics."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

Stephen Colbert
Chuck Schumer
Father's Day


Colbert skewers Schumer Father's Day grilling gaffe: Could die 'if you eat one of his burgers'

Liberal talk show host Stephen Colbert skewered Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., for his Father's Day photo, arguing he was incorrectly grilling a burger.