
California Governor Wants to Restrict Smartphone Usage in Schools

California Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed legislation that would restrict smartphone usage in schools, aiming to reduce distractions and promote student well-being. The proposed law, known as the "Student Digital Wellbeing Act," would prohibit students from using their smartphones during school hours, except for educational purposes. It would also require schools to establish policies on smartphone usage and provide resources for parents and students on digital wellness. The legislation is backed by several organizations advocating for reducing screen time and promoting mental health among young people. Critics argue that the ban could limit access to information and communication tools, and that students should have the right to use their phones responsibly. The bill's fate remains uncertain, as it faces opposition from some parents and educators. However, the debate highlights growing concerns about the impact of technology on student learning and well-being.


"The proposed legislation in California seeks to limit smartphone usage in schools to reduce distractions and promote student well-being. However, it has sparked debate about the potential benefits and drawbacks of restricting access to technology in education."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

smartphone usage
mental health
social media
Gov. Newsom


California governor wants to restrict smartphone usage in schools

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday that he wants to restrict students' usage of smartphones during the school day, citing the mental health risks of social media.