
Biden Raises Significantly Less Than Trump in May

President Joe Biden's campaign raised a substantial amount of money in May, but it still fell short of former President Donald Trump's massive fundraising haul for the same month. Biden's campaign brought in $44.5 million, which is a considerable sum, but it pales in comparison to Trump's staggering $59 million. This disparity highlights the fundraising power of Trump, who remains a dominant force in the Republican party, even after leaving office. The figures indicate that the 2024 presidential election could be a close race, with both sides demonstrating significant financial strength. Trump's ability to raise such a large amount of money, despite no longer holding office, shows his continued appeal to Republican donors. This could present a significant challenge for Biden, who will need to maintain strong fundraising numbers to compete in the upcoming election. While Biden's campaign successfully raised a substantial amount of money, the stark difference between his total and Trump's total indicates that the fundraising race for the 2024 election will be fiercely competitive.


"Biden raised a significant sum of money in May, but his haul was considerably less than Trump's, indicating a potential challenge for Biden in the 2024 election."

Updated at: 06.22.2024



Biden rakes in big bucks last month, but haul is far short of Trump's massive May fundraising

President Biden's 2024 re-election campaign and the Democratic National Committee raised $85 million in May, far short of the money raised last month by Trump and the Republican National Committee