
Biden Campaign Chair Admits Florida Isn't a Battleground State

The chair of President Joe Biden's re-election campaign, Cedric Richmond, acknowledged that Florida is no longer a key battleground state in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. During an interview on MSNBC, Richmond candidly stated that the campaign's focus is on solidifying support in existing Democratic strongholds rather than vying for states like Florida. He attributed this shift to the growing number of Hispanic voters, particularly in states like Nevada and Arizona, who lean towards the Democratic party. While Richmond emphasized the importance of the Hispanic vote in Florida, he acknowledged that the state's electoral landscape has changed due to demographic shifts. He emphasized that the campaign would still invest resources in Florida to ensure a strong showing, but acknowledged the declining chances of winning the state. Richmond's statement highlights the evolving political landscape in the United States and the importance of targeting specific demographics for electoral success.


"Cedric Richmond, Biden campaign chair, admitted that Florida is no longer a key battleground state due to demographic changes, particularly the growing Hispanic voter base leaning towards Democrats. While still investing resources in Florida, the campaign is prioritizing solidifying support in existing Democratic strongholds and targeting states with significant Hispanic populations like Nevada and Arizona."

Updated at: 06.27.2024



Biden campaign chair admits Florida is not a 2024 battleground state in candid moment

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