
US Military Leader Warns of Potential Iranian Response to Israeli Offensive in Lebanon

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, has expressed concerns regarding the possibility of Iran retaliating militarily if Israel were to launch an offensive into Lebanon. This warning comes amid heightened tensions in the region following a series of rocket attacks attributed to Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shiite militia backed by Iran. General Milley highlighted the significant Iranian presence in Lebanon, emphasizing that any Israeli military action would likely trigger a response from Tehran. He emphasized the complexities of the situation, stating that while Israel has the right to defend itself, any offensive could escalate into a wider conflict. The general underscored the potential for a significant regional conflict if tensions continue to rise, advocating for diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation. He emphasized the necessity of avoiding a full-scale conflict, recognizing the devastating consequences it could have for both the region and the global stage.


"General Milley's warning underscores the precarious security situation in the Middle East, emphasizing the potential for a major conflict triggered by Israeli military action in Lebanon. He advocates for diplomacy and de-escalation to prevent a wider war with potentially devastating consequences."

Updated at: 06.25.2024


An Israel offensive into Lebanon risks an Iranian military response, top US military leader says

ESPARGOS, Cape Verde (AP) — The top U.S. military officer warned on Sunday that any Israeli military offensive into Lebanon would risk an Iranian response in defense of the powerful Hezbollah militant group there, triggering a broader war that could put U.S.